Monday, December 20, 2010

Tiny Book Necklaces

My husband & I recently took a much needed vacation...without kids. We ended up all the way in Virginia and one of the highlights of our trip was touring Monticello. I was inspired by a quote written by Jefferson to John Adams upon his donating his books to the Library of Congress. "I cannot live without books". Being that I love to read, I just had to go with it and create something. I found some vintage bookbinding ribbon from Britain, several weathered books from the 1940's and a variety of leathers from recycled scrap at a local bootmakers shop. I added some handcast pewter charms from Green Girls Studio & various vintage brass, copper and sterling chains. After making one for myself & one for a good friend, the rest will be for sale on Etsy shortly. I most likely will sell a few at Greenies in Richland too. They were a lot of work, but I think they are worth it! What could be better than a book close to your heart? I love that you can inscribe the tiny pages to personalize them.

1 comment:

  1. Those are just lovely Karen!! I immediately thought of Memere...she also loves books and reading...Perhaps you inherited that from her? Very very creative and wonderful!!
